Following the realignment of the Junior League calendar we are now operating a new system with our Leagues and Tournament starting once a minimum of 4 teams are registered.
Start dates and deadlines may no longer apply and we now run Leagues and Tournaments on a rolling basis.
League/Tournament places can only be secured as usual by submitting a Team Entry Form and Entry Fee. ​
Pre-Registration Notes​​
Team managers have a range of duties including responsibility for submitting Registration Forms and payment of all fees.
Team managers are advised to start collecting advance fees from all squad players at least 3 weeks before the start of a season.
Most Leagues/Tournaments are "Open" which refers to the grade of players allowed where "Open" is defined as players 16 and over and registered in any other league.
Team places in a League or Tournament will only be officially secured and confirmed when the Registration Form plus any relevant fees are received in full by Waterford Floodlit Soccer.
Please feel free to contact Kevin if you need any help in setting up your team.
Check main rules summary plus some helpful tips and info